Something of interest....?

On Sunday, 14th July, Alan, continuing his theme of Mission, mentioned two specific items - the Centenary of Eric Liddell's Olympic Gold medal at the Paris Olympics in 1924, and a Documentary TV Series by Simon Reeve called "Sacred Rivers", which featured the Yangtse in China.

Whilst Eric Liddell's Centenary featured as the Cover story in Life and Work's July edition, you may be interested to know that the Scottish Parliament is hosting an exhibition, on behalf of The Eric Liddell 100, to mark the Centenary.  This free event runs from July 29th till August 26th. 

Meanwhile "Sacred Rivers" with Simon Reeve can be found on BBC iPlayer. He visits 3 great rivers - The Nile, Ganges and the Yangtse - exploring faith and religion en route.



Service of Union, 5th June 2024

Well, you just can't get the staff.....

We had hoped to have a full Recording of Wednesday's Service of Union, but techie issues outwith our pay grade resulted in either NO sound or very little sound on the recording.  Which was a pity because the singing was AWESOME! 

We apologise profusely for not having a suitable recording of this joyous occasion for you to watch; Instead, however,  we have created a transcript of the parts we could hear and transcribe, especially the appointment of Alan and the Charges to both him and the congregation, given by Rev David Burt.

Please click this LINK to read it.

The Not-so-Technical Elves

CoVid 19 Guidelines

Please remember that if you or someone in your household tests positive for Covid 19, please DON’T come church or any church activities until you or the person has received consecutive negative test results from day six onwards.    Thank you

Session Clerk

Westerton Fairlie Memorial Parish Church

Crarae Avenue, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1HX
Tel 0141 942 6960
Scottish Charity No. SC004489