Westerton Gala Day, 31 August 2024

Gala Day report for the Website2 resized

Church Magazine

From the start of the Westerton website, there was always a hope that the Church Magazine would appear online, as well as being available in traditional print format. In fact it still says so at the foot of our News Page!

So, for our last WESTERTON CHURCH MAGAZINE, we present an online version for you to enjoy, so just click here to access it.  Happy reading!

Caroline Thompson


Christian Aid : Updates

September : Suspending some arms sales to Israel "does not go far enough", Christian Aid says

The following link provides more detail:

Alan Stevens


Church News : Boclair  and Beyond!

Boclair Community Church

  • Prayer Requests : If you would like a prayer for yourself or others, please continue to write it out and put it in the box in the vestibule as before.  Also, as before, it is not necessary to give your own or anyone else’s name although you may do so if you would like to.  Although the Westerton group is not meeting at the moment, members are attending the  Prayer group which meets at Killermont weekly and will also undertake to pray daily for what is needed. Please speak to Marlene for more information.

  • The Boys Brigade3rd Bearsden Boys Brigade are looking for enthusiastic helpers to support the current leaders run a wide range of activities for their children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years old. We especially need help at our Juniors and Company section. You can help with juice break, sit in with some activities or you can be more involved and lead some activities. Once or twice a month would be ideal and we would have a rota set up.   We meet on Wednesday evenings during term time at Boclair Community Church, Rannoch Drive, taking part in a wide range of activities including crafts, games, sports, cooking, life skills and community projects. As a Christian youth organisation our work is rooted in the Christian faith, our faith in young people allows them to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and inclusive environment. All volunteers are required to complete a PVG check which the BB would organise. To find out more about how you can help please speak to Iain Macmillan Thank you.

  • Bible Book Club : Fortnightly sessions of this informal group start on Tuesday 10th September,  from 10am till 11.30am in Westerton's Crèche room. We are going to be looking at the Letters of John. We expect to cover these in two meetings. Reading for second meeting on 24th September is the remainder of 1 John then 2 and 3 John.  Everybody welcome. Further details from Caroline or Alan
    Caroline Thompson

  • Killermont Cafe : The Killermont Café is open Monday and Friday from 9:30am to 11:30am and on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:30, when hot-filled rolls are available. All Welcome.   

  • Members and Adherents' Communication : Please ensure that BCC has your current contact details and in particular a valid email address, if you have one, so that you don't miss out on communications from Boclair. Contact the Church Office, if necessary.

  • Church News extra : until our new united "Boclair" website is up and running, you can find news about our sister "campus" at Killermont here
    Information about our Westerton "campus" will still appear as usual on these pages

  • Life and WorkThe October edition is now available for collection from the vestibule




Drumchapel Foodbank

Foodbanks continue to struggle, any donations at all are greatly appreciated. – tinned vegetables, porridge, boxes of cereal. Teabags, coffee, sugar, instant noodles, long-life milk, tinned fruit and rice pudding/custard, tinned meatballs/hotdogs, pasta sauce, soup, tinned beans, tinned spaghetti, macaroni cheese, toilet rolls, shampoo/shower gel, and wet dog food.Leave in the box in the vestibule. Cash donations are preferred  - see details on how to give on the weekly intimation sheet.  Many thanks for your help!

Niall and Marjorie McCumesty (Bearsden West Communty Council)





The Westerton Church Magazine – Published 4 times a year, we hope to provide in due course, an online, as well as, printed edition.




Westerton Fairlie Memorial Parish Church

Crarae Avenue, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1HX
Tel 0141 942 6960
Scottish Charity No. SC004489